Tuesday, July 28, 2009

;-) Hey There Obama .......................................... ;-)

Lyric highlights:

…And when I start to fret that we are running up a debt,
That we’ll reduce the US dollar to a value somewhat smaller
Than a slug,
I simply pour another mug…

…Obama, I can promise you, that even if you bring us to
Disaster, we’ll still love you and exclaim,
“Give Bush the blame!”

…To those few extremists clinging to the faith of your upbringing,
Hey, you need a new religion,
Come and be a happy pigeon
In our flock,
The Great Assembly of Barack,
The God of Talk.

…Please don’t call him the Messiah,
He is actually much higher,
He’s humanity perfected,
Che Guevera resurrected,
He’s so swell,
I’d gladly follow him to hell,
Just like Michelle…


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